Our Mission

We make IT happen

Our Vision

Become the most preferred solutions provider

Our Purpose Statement

We make solutions that make your business life easy


Company Background

Abbitech Solutions Ltd is a Software Development and an ICT solutions Company based in Kenya and has been serving Businesses, Individuals and Corporate organizations. We provide full - cycle services in the areas of Software Development and General IT solutions, ICT, Web Design and Development, and Graphics Design. Our goal is to ensure all our clients get the best products and services; for this reason we have teamed up with professional software development companies from around the world, and further put together a team of programmers to offer both support and customization to our clients. We also have an in- House team of web and graphic designers as well as technicians who all have profound knowledge of the current industry trends. Unlike other Companies who make empty promises, we keep our word because our client’s needs and goals matter to us.

  • County Governments
  • Banking institutions
  • SACCOs
  • Religious Organizations
  • NGOs
  • Public and Private Universities
  • Micro-finance institutions

The Company

Abbitech Solutions Ltd proprietary solutions will give your County Government, company/Organization, Bank, SACCO or Micro-finance the advantage over your competition and provide you with new revenue sources by enhancing efficiency in your operations as well as making your products available to a wider global audience... As a partner we shall be deeply and intimately aware of the critical success factors of your business, and we shall be well equipped with the right resources to Partner with you in re-engineering your corporate excellence. We achieve this by reaching for greater heights of excellence in the areas that matter to your business and ours: resource utilization, state-of-the-art easy to use technology and newer offerings.

Excellence by design and high flying achievement is our way of life, because we have a very important responsibility, YOU

Always ahead of the Curve

Since our Inception in 2011 innovation, Imagination and research have been our driving principles, letting us pioneer leading edge products that have been industry changers. Through Intelligent software Platforms and understanding of financial services, we have created a whole organization that Fuses perfectly our expertise and delivers its true potential to you.

You can with every good reason, expect Abbitech Solutions Ltd to take on the most challenging project and provide support and reliability .In this world of Globalization and Cloud computing it doesn’t matter where you are to gain significantly by outsourcing projects to Abbitech Solutions Ltd, your company will accelerate projects, Speed up delivery and market opportunities and reduce maintenance costs.

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